Keyser, this is so so sad. Be there for her. I have a niece that got df'd at sixteen and she is almost forty now. Her parents haven't spoken once to her in that time. She has a sister who just got df'd. She is pregnant and living with a guy and has just him for her friend. She can't even call her mother if she has questions concerning health issues that might run in the family. They are both really nice girls but really messed up when it comes to trusting anyone or having relationships. The one girl had broken down in the middle of Toronto with her car and she couldn't even call a family member for help. Had it not been for a kind taxi driver that paid for her motel room and got her to where she would be safe, this org would have been blood guilty had anything happened to her. She was terrified. Again, I say this, let her know you will always be there for her anytime of night or day.